1736 BIBLE & BANNED Commentary Jansenism Catholic 8v Pasquier Quesnel French

QUESNEL, Pasquier [edit.]


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Pasquier Quesnel was a 17th-century French Jansenist best-remembered for his commentary on the New Testament. This commentary was written to push Jansenist theology and doctrine which, unfortunately, seemed to form numerous phrases that were considered heretical by the Catholic Church. This French edition of the New Testament includes Quesnel’s commentary, published in eight tomes.


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1736 BIBLE & BANNED Commentary Jansenism Catholic 8v Pasquier Quesnel French


Pasquier Quesnel was a 17th-century French Jansenist best-remembered for his commentary on the New Testament. This commentary was written to push Jansenist theology and doctrine which, unfortunately, seemed to form numerous phrases that were considered heretical by the Catholic Church. This French edition of the New Testament includes Quesnel’s commentary, published in eight tomes.


Item number: #18461

Price: $1500


QUESNEL, Pasquier [edit.]


Le Nouveau Testament en françois, avec des reflexions morales sur chaque verset, pour en rendre la lecture plus utile, & la meditation plus aisée


A Amsterdam, aux dépens de Joseph Nicolai. 1736.



  • Collation: Complete with all pages – 8 volumes
    • I – Matthew
    • II – Mark
    • III – Luke
    • IV – John
    • V – Acts
    • VI – Romans-Corinthians
    • VII – Galations-Philemon
    • VIII – Hebrew-Revalation
  • Provenance: Armorial Bookplate – Visinet des Presles
    • Probably Claude Visinet des Presles (1918-2007), a French historian awarded the rank of Commandeur des Arts et des Lettres‎ (Commander of the Order of Arts and the Letters) for having “significantly contributed to the enrichment of the French cultural inheritance”.
  • Language: French
  • Binding: Leather; tight and secure
  • Size: ~6.5in X 4in (17cm x 10cm)
  • Rare and desirable


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QUESNEL, Pasquier [edit.]

Printing Date

18th Century





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